Sunday, October 28, 2018

DNA Results and Revisions

You think you know who you are, then you get a DNA test that proves that you are someone else, then they revise the results and you’re more like who you thought you were all along. I took an Ancestry DNA test a couple of years ago and it revealed the following:
Scandinavian 32%
Great Britain. 16%
Ireland.           14%
Italy/Greece.   12%
E. Europe.       11%
W. Europe.       11%
Trace amount Jewish

Recently, I went on the site and found that they have revised my results. I am no longer Jewish (Oy vey). I am no longer Italian either, although I am still allowed to eat pizza. The new results are as follows:

Germanic Europe including Germany and Mid-Western United States.  44%
England, Wales & Northwest Europe.                                                      38%
Ireland & Scotland including Ulster.                                                         14%
Norway                                                                                                         2%
Sweden.                                                                                                        2%

So, considering that Northwestern Europe could include Ireland, I am of German and Irish ancestry like I thought I was all along. No one in the family ever mentioned And Scandinavian connection.
We’ll see what the next revision shows. Maybe I’ll be a South Pacific Islander.