It was a busy day. I got up early to get a routine blood test, had breakfast, mowed the front lawn, had lunch, went to the dentist for my next to the last appointment for my new cap, worked on scraping, filling and sanding two more porch columns and watched the aftermath of a bad accident around the corner from our house. I saw the fire company extricate a man from an on fire, turned over car. According to neighbors, he was traveling at a high rate of speed south on the north bound side of Route 34. The car left the road and traveled along a couple of empty lots and then turned over and caught fire. Apparently there were no other cars involved. One of our FBI neighbors said he saw no skid marks anywhere. I don't know what happened to the man, but I saw them put him in the ambulance and then the ambulance just stayed there for quite some time. Paramedics arrived, but they didn't even get out of their rig. From my years on the first aid squad, that to me, means one of two things. He was not injured and was sitting in there chatting with the first aid people, or he was lying in there having had his last chat. I sincerely hope it was the former.
Every job seems to take longer than I think it will. I had allocated about an hour or so to dealing with the two columns, but it took most of the afternoon. Of course, I stopped to go see the accident, but I didn't stay there that long. I shouldn't complain because I have every day to get this stuff done, but at some point I would like to get it done so I can move on to the next project. I suppose I could approach there little tasks as a model ship builder who I once heard say, "It doesn't matter how long it takes to finish one model, because when I finish with this one, I'll be starting another one." I guess, but I'm not building model ships here. I do get satisfaction and have pride in what I have done when these jobs are completed, so I should stop complaining and go do something constructive.
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