Monday, July 19, 2010

I Don't Think I Get It

When I first retired I vowed that  I would work in the morning and then relax in the afternoon. It seems like too much relaxing, but the way this summer has been so far with the heat and humidity, it's hard to get the motivation to do much in the way of physical labor. I still try to do some work in the morning although it is becoming apparent that I am doing more relaxing than working. Some days I don't get much done. This morning, for instance, I went to the bank, Home Depot and Lowes. I was looking for a grout removal tool. I know I have one because I saw it not long ago, but, of course, I don't remember where I saw it. I don't really need two of them, so I resolved to undertake a more thorough search. It was raining very lightly when I went into Home Depot, so I carried in my umbrella, but didn't use it. When I arrived at Lowes, it was hardly raining at all, so I left my umbrella in the car. Big mistake. When I started to leave Lowes, the sky opened up trapping me there for maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. I next went to Best Buy and while the skies were sunny, I brought in my umbrella. They were still sunny when I left. I went to Best Buy to see if I could get some first hand information about laptop screen resolution vs. graphic card vs. processor. I got some information, but after I left, I thought of many more questions. They always want to know what I do with the computer. I know what I do with it today, but I don't know what I may want to do tomorrow or what programs may become available requiring who knows what processor or memory or graphics card and on and on. In the past I always bought a computer with the biggest hard drive, the most memory and the fastest processor that I could reasonably afford. Now I'm told I don't need the fastest processor. Anne thinks I'll be wanting a new one in five years anyway, so why spend extra money for things I may never need. She may be right.

But, I digress. I was talking about retirement and my approach to it. Time is going by with alarming speed and I feel that I don't have complete control of my life. Maybe no one does. And, there is too much relaxing by the pool. Whenever I sit by the pool, I think it's a Sunday and that I should have a drink. I don't have one each time (maybe only twice a week), but I think I should. Well, it looks like I still have to figure out retirement. Also, I think part of the problem is that we're still waiting to hear from a certain seller in Rochester. This is a big deal, but my mind is and has been in idle about it for a couple of months. I think when we finally hear something positive, I will shift directly to over drive and I'm sure that will be the subject of another post or two or three.


Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

I am under contract! I am not retired but working from home sounds similar, I feel like I have to work all the time and I am having trouble with a balance. Rick says I will get there, I hope he is right.

Bill said...

The difference between bering retired and working from home is that with the latter someone, is presumably paying you. With retirement, you do physical labor and no one pays you. Okay, you get to sit by the pool with a drink after the physical labor.

Anne K said...

As your follower I was just checking to see what's been happening in your life. Good to see you're still here!