Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More Pain and Suffering or The Mail Must Go Through

Yesterday, Anne saw the mail lady on the street when we had finished our walk and she went over and got our mail. The mail lady said that she was glad she came over because she wasn't going to be able to deliver our mail since the sidewalk was blocked and the snow was too deep to walk across the front yards like she usually does. Never mind that all of the houses are also accessible through the alley which was plowed and people could get into their houses that way. I guess the mail has to be delivered to the front door. Anyway, after having said I wouldn't shovel today, I went out and cleared the sidewalk from our front walk to our neighbors house where he had cleared his walk. Our two neighbors to our left have young, strong men living there. We only have an old man who is getting stronger every day. I did that and made a path to the street where the plow had come by since the last path I made to the street. I came in and said "I am done shoveling for today."

I got out of my snow clothes and thought I deserved a drink which I was about to procure when the phone rang. Anne answered it to learn that another neighbor who lives behind us had been away during the storm and just returned home to find that her garage was blocked by snow and that her front walk was blocked by snow. I put on my boots, got into my coat, found my hat and gloves and went out to help shovel her front walk. Anne came out to help also. She was visiting relatives where they only had a dusting of snow. Where was she visiting, you ask? Why, Rochester, NY, of course.

I did finally get my drink.

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