Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Pool Isn't Cool

It's been a bit warm here. Even getting into the pool doesn't provide much relief. The water was 91 degrees today. Okay, body temperature is about 98.6 (mine is usually slightly lower), but still, 91 doesn't feel very cool. I did take a cold shower tonight and it really felt good, once I got used to it. I guess it lowered my core temp. We had a garage sale scheduled for today, but after trying to set it up yesterday, we cancelled it. We'll do it in a couple of weeks when the atmosphere returns to normal. In the meantime, if anyone wants anything, come on by. All of my readers get a substantial discount and I'll even load the stuff into your cars. That's the least I can do if someone drives all the way from Florida, or the Carolinas, or even LBI. The Woodbridge reader already had a chance and she took what she wanted. We'll even provide a room for the night while your car is being loaded.


Pat said...

Been there, done that! Pool here is only 86 & I'm so spoiled that below 80 feels cold! Good luck with your move.
Pat Hickson

Bill said...

Thanks Pat. How are things going in Florida?

Pat said...

We just got back from vacation in New England. It was nice, but I still love Florida! That is as long as there are no hurricanes!

I finally broke down & have a facebook page, so if you're on that, look me up & we can be "friends"!!