When I decided to switch, a couple of years ago, from a Mac to a PC because of the cost, I said to myself, "Myself, Microsoft has a whole lot of software and Windows Live that will give you everything that you got with Apple." I really tried to be a loyal and faithful Microsoft user. I used Internet Explorer, Windows Live including the Picture Gallery as my main photo repository and editing tool. I even got the full version of Microsoft Word, which I haven't used much
I am pretty fed up with Microsoft. It seems that their stuff just doesn't work all that well. I had trouble with Windows Live Picture Gallery which takes forever to load and is cumbersome to use. Explorer is a bother too. Some programs tell me that I have to download the latest version o Explorer, but I have the latest version. I switched between 64 bit and 32 bit versions, then I switched to Firefox and everything works fine. For my photos I switched to Picasa. That loads quickly and give me easy to execute editing tools. Anne was having some internet issues so I changed her to Firefox and now she reports that her email loads a whole lot faster. Why is it that Microsoft programs have so many issues and that other programs can't get along with them? I thought that would be a problem with Apple software, but no, the only problem with Apple stuff is the high price. I'm not ready for a new computer yet and probably won't be for a couple of years, but, in the meantime at least, I have found some programs that work like Microsoft programs should work.
There, I got that off my chest and I posted to my blog so that my faithful readers will have something to read.
1 comment:
I know what you mean Bill. Never had a mac but I have heard good things about them. Seems Firefox is the way to go as well. We use it too. Good to hear from you!
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