Sunday, April 10, 2011

Congress Should Dissolve Itself

Congress, those lunkheads. How dare they threaten to close down our government. They get paid very well, both the house and the senate, to run the government, not to threaten to shut it down. They would close the national parks and monuments, OUR national parks and monuments. The President showed up at the Lincoln Memorial to greet visitors and told them that both sides had worked out their differences and therefore they could enjoy their visit. How dare he? They have no right to even think about shutting down our monuments, our parks, our country.  They would delay our tax refund checks and delay pay for countless soldiers and federal employees. Please note that the members of congress, house and senate, would not do without their own pay. How dare they, these arrogant people who only think about how to get re-elected so that they can take advantage of all of the perks that they get. And what about that guy, presiding in the house, who was caught on camera sitting there autographing pictures of himself while this is all going on. How dare they. The whole bunch of them, republicans, democrats, tea partyers, coffee drinkers, the whole pack of them, should get out and let us replace them. None of them should be eligible to run again. In each district every taxpayer's name should be put in a hat, a kindergarten child should be selected by lot who would then reach into the hat and pick out the next congressman or senator for that district. How much worse could it be? It would probably be a lot better. I'm disgusted with the whole lot of them. They waste or steal money. They can't seem to reject special interest groups. They think only of themselves. Get out. Get out you bums and let us have our country back.

I guess you could say I'm disturbed by the current state of our governmental affairs.


Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

Bill it is scary and scandalous, how do we start over? Isn't our Country based on the premise that the government serves the people and when they stop we have the Right to overthrow? This infighting has reached the point of absurdity.

Bill said...

It really is scandalous, MJ. All that these people think about nowadays is getting re-elected and they think that the way to do that is to make the other guy look as bad as possible. They spend more time on that than they do trying to figure out solutions to our problems, most of which were created by the government. The trouble is, who do you vote for? When elections roll around are there any honest, sensible people running? The only solution is that you and I will have to run and get things straightened out.

Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

I think I might move to France, or Norway, or any where that seems "grown up" The US is in its teenage years right now.