Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Housekeeping Note

I have decided to remove the link to "Bill's Photos" that was listed under "clinks" (A link that you click) on the right. I thought it might be more sensible to keep posting a few photos when I write a blog. I have a pro account on Flickr for which I pay $25.00 a year and I'm wondering why. Does anyone really want to look at all the photos I post? Does anyone ever look at them? I started putting them there as an extra backup in case something happened to my hard drive, but I have a back up hard drive now too. If anyone really wants to look at them, send me an email and I will send you the Flickr link.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Hi Bill!
I like it when you include the photos with your blog. But I did use the "clink" too!