Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fall, Chores, What Next?

We got the pool closed for the season. Hopefully, I won't have to open it again because we will be moved by the time June rolls around. Not much progress on that front so who the heck knows. In the meantime, I have been doing some house chores like painting outside windows. But, of course, one doesn't just paint, one scrapes and caulks before one paints, which is more tedious than the painting part. Also, I do not like being on a ladder high above the ground. I feel that if God wanted us to be able to reach high on the side of our dwellings he would have given us longer legs or instructed us in the Bible to build shorter houses. I hope our next house is a ranch because I don't mind too much getting up that high. A ranch qualifies as a short house in my opinion.

I feel good that I got three windows painted. That may not sound like much, but it took two days, mostly scraping and caulking. There are a lot of windows in this house, but I think they don't all need painting. The ones I did were the worst. There are still more windows to do and there is the never ending task of sorting and disposing of stuff accumulated over the years. Some of the stuff is really just stuff (junk) and is easy to throw out. Other stuff isn't junk, but isn't stuff we want to keep anymore. Our kids don't seem all that anxious to have a lot of it, so I will proceed to Plan "B." Plan B is to secretly bring these things to our children's homes and hide it there while they are otherwise preoccupied. That may seem underhanded, but I believe that's how we got a lot of these things ourselves. My parents, I believe, would just bring stuff and leave it. Then they actually moved in, then died, so we wound up with all of their things with no one to complain to about it. I haven't died but I still think it's a good plan. If anyone complains I'll act all innocent.

So, what's next? I'm sick of all this house stuff and I think it's time for more relaxation. After all, I'm retired. Isn't that the time I'm supposed to do all of the things I always wanted to do but didn't get to do while I was working? I certainly didn't dream about scraping, caulking and painting windows. I mean I'm not that bad. I will have to concentrate on more enjoyable things to do, but I do wish that this house situation was more finalized because it leaves a hole in my thinking and planning. I don't like holes in my thinking. I think it is time for lunch now. Anne is a a Master Gardener meeting so I have to fend for myself. Peanut butter and jelly, here I come.


christine M said...

Ah, now I know your secret plan - so I'll be watching for odd things showing up at my house!

Bill said...

Drat. I'll have to be very careful now that you somehow found out.