The weather has gotten cooler and Fall is fast approaching so it is time to cover the pool. I have started the sequence of adding the winterizing chemicals and by Saturday I should be ready to put on the cover, maybe Sunday. The pool is not so inviting as it is in the high heat days of summer and more leaves are falling in, so I think it is time. We went to the beach at Sandy Hook yesterday afternoon. The crowds have gone home, but the flies didn't. They don't seem to respect the fact that I sprayed Deep Woods Off on my legs. But, I shouldn't be surprised. After all, this isn't the deep woods, it's the broad beach. I guess I need a different kind of Off. Besides the flies there was the wind. It was blowing sand at our backs constantly. Anne went in the water and I was contemplating the same, but she didn't stay in complaining of those small, one celled jelly fish, plus cool water. It was the first time this summer that we had a land breeze and hence the flies.
I must not tarry long at my writing because I am cooking spare ribs on the grill and I must attend to my duties lest I produce a meal not worthy of me. I'm using an indirect grilling method, so we'll see how it all turns out. I will report, but only if it is a success. If not, I will just ignor the topic and write about something else.
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