Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Splitting Wood

I didn't do any weight training today. I'm not slacking off. I'm only supposed to do it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I did move some dirt around the yard and I split some firewood. On Sundays in the winter I like to get a fire going in the wood stove in the cellar. This Sunday we're having company, so it seems like the perfect time to do it. I now have plenty of wood split. I do wonder about this wood or my splitting technique. These logs have been drying for a year now, but are they ever tough to split. I have employed an axe, an eight pound splitting maul and a sledge hammer and wedge. I have read that the 8lb maul may be too heavy and that it just bounces. I would think that the thing could go through a building once it gets going, but it does bounce a lot. The axe stick in the log, but the head isn't broad enough to act as a wedge. The whole process seems to be more work than it ought to be.

On an older post I mentioned that a spring had broken on a drive mechanism under my snow blower. Our neighbor, Rich, had jury rigged an additional spring to get it to work. Today I turned the thing on its side and ran some galvanized steel wire through the spring he used and through a hole in the drive cam as an extra safeguard against the thing coming out. I hope that I'm ready for any snow that may come on Saturday.


Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

Be careful that's more manual labor then Rick does in a month!

Bill said...

I will be careful Mary Jane. Once you get the farm up and running, Rick will have plenty of labor to do.