Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dinner and All

I feel like it's Christmas night. We had been planning for this evening's dinner with some good friends and now that it's over, there's nothing more to plan for the time being. It was a wonderful evening though, with good food and very nice people. It is important to remember how valuable friends are. I don't mean economically valuable, but, I guess what you could call spiritually. Nice friends are good for the soul. Friendships are like plants too. If you neglect them, they will wither and die and that would be sad. I think I will resolve to at least keep in contact with friends. Sometimes it's not possible to get together with friends physically, because of distance or other circumstances, but it ought to be possible, in this day and age, to contact them by email, phone, letter, or by some means. I would not want to lose the friendship of the people that we were with today, or any friends, because of neglect on my part. These people add such a rich dimension to life, it would be foolish to let them slip away. I hope also that I, in some small way, can add to the fabric of their lives.

1 comment:

Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

I just heard from a childhood friend I haven't talked to in years, she e-mailed me out of the blue! I agree, couldn't live without them