Friday, February 19, 2010

Four Months More / Snow Blower / Computers

According to the Charlie Gibson/Bill Bradley formula for retirement, one should wait about nine months to decide what to do with the rest of ones life. It is about five months since I have retired, so I have four months more of reading and thinking left to decide if I want to climb Mount Everest, or to continue on with the reading and thinking. I think I won't climb Mount Everest, but I might like to read about someone else doing it. Oh my, have I become so complacent, such a couch potato? My friend, Angela, mentioned that she and her husband, Bob, were planning an overnight in New Hope with a visit to a nice restaurant and wine tasting. That sounds so much more civilized than getting all dressed against the cold and trudging up the side of a mountain, although, I imagine that like apres ski, you could have an apres mountain drink by the fireplace in some lodge. I'll think about it.

I believe that I mentioned in an earlier post that my snow blower has been running rough of late. The carburetor probably needs cleaning and maybe it needs a new spark plug. To clean the carburetor will require either, sending it off to some service to do it, or to do it myself. I'm not a small engine expert by any means, but I think I could do it, given the time and without any pressure. Since we may get more snow Monday night into Tuesday, I think I will wait and hope for the best for now.

Anne got her new computer, but keeps using the old one. After the old one was giving us trouble, and we decided to get her a new one, I tried the old stand-by fix of unplugging the thing from the electric and from the cable, and it appears to have fixed it for the time being. The thing is seven years old so, even if it continues to chug along, I think it was time for a replacement. My computer, a Mac, seems to be slowing down and the screen seems positively dull compared to Anne's new one. Macs are nice, but expensive. Even taking into consideration the software that comes with the Mac, a laptop is still a lot more expensive than a PC laptop. I like the Mac, but do I like it that much more. After all, either a Mac or a PC will last just about the same amount of time with software updates constantly making everything obsolete. So, do I think about a Chevy or a Caddie? In terms of cars, I've usually found that a Chevy will do just fine to get from point A to point B. I don't have to make that decision just yet, because the Mac, despite being five years old, also keeps chugging along.

So, there, I have posted a post. There are those readers who were alarmed that I hadn't written anything for a week and were concerned about the state of my well being. My being is well and I will try to post more regularly. Generally, my life isn't that exciting that I think anyone else would be interested in what I'm doing or not doing. I think I don't want a life all that exciting that I feel compelled to write about it. But, I know my responsibilities to my public, so I will try to do better. By the way, public, you too could start a blog if you so desired. Your life is probably more interesting than mine. I must now again get busy reading and thinking and, I almost forgot, playing my banjo.


christine M said...

I read a great book about climbing Mt. Everest - it's by Jeffrey Archer and is called Paths of Glory.

Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

By all means read a book about it, I am not inclined to have anything to do with outside activities. I don't even watch the winter olympics!

Bill said...

Mary Jane, I thought you wanted to be a farm lady. Farms are outside. Oh wait, Rick was going to do the farming. I forgot. I do agree that curling up with a book (Paths of Glory) and a Scotch is much more appealing than actually going out into the cold.

Chris - thanks for the reference to the book.

Mary Jane Gilbertson said...

Key word FLORIDA, I want to farm in FLORIDA:)

Anne K said...

Hey Bill, I just got caught up on reading your blog. I had some good chuckles and have decided that I will become a faithful follower. I do have to know what you're saying about me!

kristen said...

There is also the option of watching the programs on Discovery channel that follows those and shows people climbing Everest. It should stop any desire you have, but you can still get a taste of doing it. I always have that with some things it is better to just live vicariously through someone else. I should start blogging again. Of course, there is also only so much you can write about the deer that come to visit you.